

颜茂都,1973年生,中国科学院青藏高原研究所研究员。主要从事青藏高原及周边地区古地磁学和构造学以及相关的资源环境效应等方向研究。在Earth and Planetary Science Letters,Earth Science Reviews, Geophysical Research Letter, Journal of Geophysical Research, Tectonics, Geological Society of America Bulletin和科学通报及中国科学等国内外地学期刊发表论文80余篇。2010年入选中国科学院人才计划项目,获甘肃省科技进步奖二等(2004年,排名4), 美国地质学会学生奖(2004年)。目前为中国地质学会古地磁专业委员会第九届委员会副主任委员,中国青藏高原研究会地表过程专业委员会秘书长,中国第四纪科学研究会第九届构造与气候专业委员会秘书长,中国地震学会构造地貌专业委员会委员, 《Frontiers in Earth Science》编委,等。 


1993.09 – 1997.07,兰州大学地理系,学士(自然地理学) 

1997.09 – 2003.12,兰州大学资源环境学院,博士(自然地理学) 

2000.09 – 2002.12,密西根大学地质系,硕士(地质学) 

2003.01 – 2006.04,密西根大学地质系,博士(地质学) 


1999.04 -1999.07,美国密歇根大学地质系,短期访问学者 




2010.01–     今,中国科学院青藏高原研究所,研究员 








1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:昌都微地块早新生代运移过程的古地磁约束(2020–2023),主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:阿尔金断裂东侧构造弧新生代构造旋转的古地磁证据及其对阿尔金断 裂活动的限定(2013–2016),主持

3. 国家自然科学基金创新群体项目(两期):青藏高原北部气候与构造相互作用(2011-2016),参加

4. 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究专题:高原风化剥蚀历史及气候环境效应(2019-2024),第三负责人

5. 国家重点研发计划课题:重点盆地主要成盐期干旱气候事件与成钾作用(2017-2021),主持

6. 国家全球变化计划子课题:中国西部季风区代表性盆地新生代地层年代序列研究(2013-2017),主持

7. 国家973计划子课题:中国陆块漂移与干旱-极端干旱气候事件及其对成钾控制(2011-2015),主持

8. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)子课题:季风区古地理重建与古环境演化(2018-2022),参与

9. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)子课题:青藏高原不同气候区域新生代地层年代学(2012-2017),主持

10. 中国科学院人才计划项目(2011-2013),主持



1. Bingshuai Li, Maodu Yan*, et al.,  2020. Magnetic fabric constraints on the Cenozoic compressional strain  changes in the northern Qaidam marginal thrust belt and their Tectonic  Implications. Tectonics, 39, e2019TC005989. https://doi.org/  10.1029/2019TC005989.

2. Miaomiao Shen, Jinbo Zan, Maodu Yan*,  et al., 2020. Comparative rock magnetic study of Eocene volcanogenic  and sedimentary rocks from Yunnan, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, and its  geological implications. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,  125, e2019JB017946. https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2019JB017946.

3. Bingshuai Li, Maodu Yan*, et al.,  2018. Paleomagnetic Rotation Constraints on the Deformation of the  Northern Qaidam Marginal Thrust Belt and Implications for Strike-Slip  Faulting Along the Altyn Tagh Fault. Journal of Geophysical Research:  Solid Earth, 123: 7207-7224.

4. Dawen Zhang, Maodu Yan*, et al.,  2018. Magnetostratigraphic study of the potash-bearing strata from  drilling core ZK2893 in the Sakhon Nakhon Basin, eastern Khorat Plateau.  Palaeo-3, 489: 40-51.

5. Yi Chen, Maodu Yan*, et al., 2017.  Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronological and sedimentological study of the  Simao Basin, Yunnan: Implications for the Early Cenozoic evolution of  the Red River. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 476: 22-33.

6. Bingshuai Li, Maodu Yan*, et al.,  2017. New paleomagnetic constraints on middle Miocene strike-slip  faulting along the middle Altyn Tagh Fault. Journal of Geophysical  Research-Solid Earth, 122(6): 4106-4122.

7. Maodu Yan*, Dawen Zhang, et al.,  2016. Paleomagnetic data bearing on the Mesozoic deformation of the  Qiangtang Block: Implications for the evolution of the Paleo- and  Meso-Tethys. Gondwana Research, 2016, 39: 292-316.

8. Maodu Yan*, Xiaomin Fang, et al.,  2013. Neogene rotations in the Jiuquan Basin, Hexi Corridor, China, from  Jovane, L., Herrero-Bervera, E., Hinnov, L. A., Housen, B. A. (eds),  Magnetic Methods and the Timing of Geological Processes. Geological  Society, London, Special Publications, 2013. 373(1): 173–189.

9. Maodu Yan*, Rob Van der Voo, et al.,  2013. Magnetostratigraphy, fence diagrams and basin analysis, From:  Jovane, L., Herrero-Bervera, E., Hinnov, L. A. & Housen, B. A. (eds)  2013. Magnetic Methods and the Timing of Geological Processes.  Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 373(1): 133-147.

10. Maodu Yan*, Xixi Zhao, et al., 2008.  New paleomagnetic results from the igneous rocks of the Nauru Basin,  Western Pacific: implications on paleolatitudes and magnetostratigraphy,  Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 267(1-2):175-187.

11. Maodu Yan, Rob Van der Voo, et al.,  2006. Paleomagnetic evidence for a mid–Miocene clockwise rotation of  about 25° of the Guide Basin area in NE Tibet, Earth and Planetary  Science Letters, 241: 234-247.

12. Maodu Yan, Rob Van der Voo, et al.,  2005. Shallow bias in Neogene paleomagnetic directions from the Guide  Basin, NE Tibet, caused by inclination error, Geophysical Journal  International, 163: 944-948.

13. Xiaomin Fang, Maodu Yan, et al.,  2005. Late Cenozoic deformation and uplift of the NE Tibetan Plateau:  evidence from high-resolution magnetostratigraphy of the Guide Basin,  Qinghai Province, China, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 117  (9/10): 1208-1225.

14. Maodu Yan, 2002. Late Cenozoic  magnetostratigraphy of the Guide Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau, and its  geological implications. University of Michigan.

15. Maodu Yan, Xiaomin Fang, et al.,  2001. Pleistocene magnetic susceptibility and stratigraphy study in  Tibetan loess and its great climatic change events. Sci. China, D, 2001,  31: 182-186.

16. 栗兵帅, 颜茂都*, 等,2019. 阿尔金断裂南侧弧形地貌单元成因及其构造意义。地震地质, 2019, (02): 300-319.

17. 张大文; 颜茂都*, 2019. 印度与欧亚大陆碰撞时限的古地磁研究进展与问题. 地质论评, 05: 1251-1268.

18. 颜茂都*, 陈毅, 2018. 晚始新世古红河流域变化: 来自思茅盆地早新生代地层碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学证据. 第四纪研究, 2018, 38(1): 130-144.

19. 杨永鹏,昝金波,颜茂都*, 等,2018. 云南曲靖盆地晚始新世岩石磁学特征及意义. 地球物理学进展, 01: 133-141.

20. 任海东,颜茂都*,等,2015.羌塘地块中生代时期的漂移演化及其成钾条件.地质学报, 2015, (11): 2005-2018.

21. 颜茂都*,张大文,2014.中国主要陆块特定时段的漂移演化历史及其对海相钾盐成矿作用的制约.矿床地质, (05): 945-963.

22. 任海东,颜茂都*,等,2013.羌塘盆地磁倾角浅化校正及其在构造上的应用-中侏纪以来约1000km的南北向缩短.地质科学, 48(2): 543-557.

23. 颜茂都*,方小敏,等,2012.青藏高原东北部沉积物磁倾角浅化之成因探究.第四纪研究,32 (4): 588-596.

24. 颜茂都,方小敏,等,2001.青藏高原更新世黄土磁化率和磁性地层与高原重大气候变化事件.中国科学(D辑:地球科学), (S1): 182-186.


1. Jinbo Zan, Xiaomin Fang, Jian Kang,  Xiaojing Li, Maodu Yan, 2020. Spatial and altitudinal variations in the  magnetic properties of eolian deposits in the northern Tibetan Plateau  and its adjacent regions: Implications for delineating the climatic  boundary. Earth Science Reviews, 208, 103271.

2. Weilin Zhang, Dawen Zhang, Xiaomin  Fang, Tao Zhang, Chihao Chen, Maodu Yan, 2020. New paleomagnetic  constraints on rift basin evolution in the northern Himalaya mountains.  Gondwana Research, 77, 98-110.

3. Weilin Zhang, Appel Erwin, Xiaomin  Fang, Fabian Setzer, Chunhui Song, Qingquan Meng, Maodu Yan, 2020. New  paleomagnetic constraints on syntectonic growth strata in the western  Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Tectonophysics, 780.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228401.

4. Weilin Zhang, Xiaomin Fang, Chuanhui  Song, Maodu Yan, et al., 2020. Magnetostratigraphic constraints on the  age of the Hipparion fauna in the Linxia Basin of China, and its  implications for stepwise aridification. Palaeo-3,  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109413.

5. Weilin Zhang, Maodu Yan, et al.,  2019. High-resolution paleomagnetic constraint on the oldest hominoid-  fossil-bearing sequence in the Xiaolongtan Basin, southeast margin of  the Tibetan Plateau and its geologic implications. Global and Planetary  Change, 182:12.

6. Chong Guan, Hong Chang, Maodu Yan, et  al., 2019. Rock magnetic constraints for the Mid-Miocene Climatic  Optimum from a high-resolution sedimentary sequence of the northwestern  Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Palaeo-3, 532:12.

7. Jinbo Zan, Xiaomin Fang, Jiao Li,  Maodu Yan, et al., 2019. Long-Term Variations in the Lithogenic  Susceptibility of Chinese Eolian Deposits Since the Late Pliocene.  Geophysical Research Letters, 46:726-735.

8. Jinbo Zan, Xiaomin Fang, Weilin  Zhang, Maodu Yan, et al., 2018. A new record of late Pliocene-early  Pleistocene aeolian loess-red clay deposits from the western Chinese  Loess Plateau and its palaeoenvironmental implications. Quaternary  Science Reviews, 186: 17-26.

9. Jinbo Zan, Jian Kang, Maodu Yan, et  al., 2018. A Pedogenic Model for the Magnetic Enhancement of Late  Miocene Fluvial‐Lacustrine Sediments From the Xining Basin, NE Tibetan  Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research, 123(8): 6176-6194.

10. Jinbo Zan, Xiaomin Fang, Maodu Yan,  et al., 2018. Comparison of hysteresis, thermomagnetic and  low-temperature magnetic properties of particle-size fractions from  loess and palaeosol samples in Central Asia and the Chinese Loess  Plateau. Geophysical Journal International, 214(3): 1608-1622.

11. Jinbo Zan, Xiaojing Li, Xiaomin  Fang, Weilin Zhang, Maodu Yan, et al., 2018. Grain-size analysis of  Upper Pliocene red clay deposits from Linxia Basin: Implications for  Asian monsoon evolution on the NE margin of the Tibetan Plateau.  Palaeo-3. 511: 597-605.

12. Tao Zhang, Xiaomin Fang, Yadong  Wang, Chunhui Song, Weilin Zhang, Maodu Yan, et al., 2018. Late Cenozoic  tectonic activity of the Altyn Tagh range: Constraints from sedimentary  records from the Western Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau.  Tectonophysics, 737: 40-56.

13. Jinbo Zan, Xiaomin Fang, Xiaojing  Li, Weilin Zhang, Maodu Yan, Miaomiao Shen, 2018. Late Pliocene  monsoonal rainfall gradients in Western China recorded by the eolian  deposits from the Linxia Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Journal of  Geophysical Research, 123(15): 8047-8061.

14. Chenglin Liu, Licheng Wang, Maodu  Yan, et al., 2018. The Mesozoic - Cenozoic tectonic settings,  paleogeography and evaporitic sedimentation of Tethyan blocks within  China: Implications for potash formation. Ore Geology Reviews,  102:406-425.

15. Jinbo Zan, Xiaomin Fang, Maodu Yan,  et al., 2017. New insights into the palaeoclimatic interpretation of the  temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility and magnetization  of Mid-Late Pleistocene loess/palaeosols in Central Asia and the  Chinese Loess Plateau. Geophysical Journal International, 208(2):  663-673.

16. Chunhui Song, Yongyao Zeng, Maodu  Yan, et al., 2017. Sedimentary Conditions of Evaporites in the Late  Jurassic Xiali Formation, Qiangtang Basin: Evidence from Geochemistry  Records. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 91(1): 156-174.

17. Jeroen Hansma, Eric Tohver, Maodu  Yan, et al., 2017. Late Devonian carbonate magnetostratigraphy from the  Oscar and Horse Spring Ranges, Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western  Australia (vol 409, pg 232, 2015). Earth and Planetary Science Letters,  478: 46-46.

18. Minghui Li, Maodu Yan, et al., 2017.  Origins of the Mid-Cretaceous evaporite deposits of the Sakhon Nakhon  Basin in Laos: Evidence from the stable isotopes of halite. Journal of  Geochemical Exploration, 184: 209-222.

19. Jinbo Zan, Xiaomin Fang, Weilin  Zhang, Maodu Yan, et al., 2016. Palaeoenvironmental and chronological  constraints on the Early Pleistocene mammal fauna from loess deposits in  the Linxia Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews, 148:  234-242.

20. Chunhui Song, Yongyao Zeng, Maodu  Yan, et al., 2016. Magnetostratigraphy of the middle-upper Jurassic  sedimentary sequences at Yanshiping, Qiangtang Basin, China. Geophysical  Journal International, 206(3): 1847-1863.

21. Tao Zhang, Wenxia Han, Xiaomin Fang,  Weilin Zhang, Chunhui Song, Maodu Yan, 2016. Intensified tectonic  deformation and uplift of the Altyn Tagh range recorded by rock  magnetism and growth strata studies of the western Qaidam Basin, NE  Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 137: 54-68.

22. Xiaomin Fang, Jiuyi Wang, Weilin  Zhang, Jinbo Zan, Chunhui Song, Maodu Yan, et al., 2016.  Tectonosedimentary evolution model of an intracontinental flexural  (foreland) basin for paleoclimatic research. Global and Planetary  Change, 2016, 145: 78-97.

23. Xiaomin Fang, Chunhui Song, Maodu  Yan, et al., 2016. Mesozoic litho- and magneto-stratigraphic evidence  from the central Tibetan Plateau for megamonsoon evolution and potential  evaporites. Gondwana Research, 37: 110-129.

24. Minghui Li, Maodu Yan, et al., 2015.  The origins of the Mengye potash deposit in the Lanping-Simao Basin,  Yunnan Province, Western China. Ore Geology Reviews, 69: 174-186.

25. Jeroen Hansma, Eric Tohver, Maodu  Yan, et al., 2015. Late Devonian carbonate magnetostratigraphy from the  Oscar and Horse Spring Ranges, Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western  Australia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 409: 232-242.

26. Jinbo Zan, Xiaomin Fang, Maodu Yan,  et al., 2015. Bulk particle size distribution and magnetic properties of  particle-sized fractions from loess and paleosol samples in Central  Asia. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 16(1): 101-111.

27. Jinbo Zan, Xiaomin Fang, Maodu Yan,  2015. Lithologic and rock magnetic evidence for the Mid-Miocene Climatic  Optimum recorded in the sedimentary archive of the Xining Basin, NE  Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 431:  6-14.

28. Jinbo Zan, Xiaomin Fang, Shengli  Yang, Maodu Yan, 2015. Magnetic variations in surface soils in the NE  Tibetan Plateau indicating the climatic boundary between the Westerly  and East Asian summer monsoon regimes in NW China. Global and Planetary  Change, 2015, 130: 1-6.

29. Jinbo Zan, Xiaomin Fang, Maodu Yan,  et al., 2015. Regional variations in magnetic properties of surface  sediments in the Qaidam Basin and their paleoenvironmental implications.  Journal of Applied Geophysics, 122: 86-93.

30. Jijun Li, Xiaomin Fang, Chunhui  Song, Baotian Pan, Yuzhen Ma, Maodu Yan, 2014.Late Miocene-Quaternary  rapid stepwise uplift of the NE Tibetan Plateau and its effects on  climatic and environmental changes. Quaternary Research, 81(3): 400-423.

31. Weilin Zhang, Erwin Appel, Xiaomin  Fang, Chunhui Song, Fabian Setzer, Christian Herb, Maodu Yan, 2014.  Magnetostratigraphy of drill-core SG-1b in the western Qaidam Basin (NE  Tibetan Plateau) and tectonic implications. Geophysical Journal  International, 197(1): 90-118.

32. Jinbo Zan, Xiaomin Fang, Erwin  Appel, Maodu Yan, et al., 2014. New insights into the magnetic  variations of aeolian sands in the Tarim Basin and its paleoclimatic  implications. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 229: 82-87.

33. Weilin Zhang, Xiaomin Fang, Chunhui  Song, Erwin Appel, Maodu Yan, et al., 2013. Late Neogene  magnetostratigraphy in the western Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau) and  its constraints on active tectonic uplift and progressive evolution of  growth strata. Tectonophysics, 599: 107-116.

34. Jinbo Zan, Xiaomin Fang, Shengli  Yang, Maodu Yan, 2013. Evolution of the arid climate in High Asia since  similar to 1 Ma: Evidence from loess deposits on the surface and rims of  the Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International, 313: 210-217.

35. Weilin Zhang, Erwin Appel, Xiaomin  Fang, Maodu Yan, et al., 2012. Paleoclimatic implications of magnetic  susceptibility in Late Pliocene-Quaternary sediments from deep drilling  core SG-1 in the western Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau). Journal of  Geophysical Research, 117.

36. Dongliang Liu, Maodu Yan, et al.,  2011. Magnetostratigraphy of sediments from the Yumu Shan, Hexi Corridor  and its implications regarding the Late Cenozoic uplift of the NE  Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International, 236: 13-20.

37. Shengli Yang, Xiaomin Fang, Maodu  Yan, et al., 2010. Grain size profiles in the Chengdu Clay, eastern  margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Implications for significant drying of  Asia since similar to 500 ka BP. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,  38(1-2): 57-64.

38. Xiaomin Fang, Zhijun Zhao, Jijun Li,  Maodu Yan, et al., 2005. Magnetostratigraphy of the late Cenozoic  Laojunmiao anticline in the northern Qilian Mountains and its  implications for the northern Tibetan Plateau uplift, Science China (D),  48(7), 1040-1051.

39. Josep M. Parés, Rob Van der Voo,  Maodu Yan, et al., 2004. After the dust settles: why is the Blake Event  imperfectly recorded in Chinese loess? In timescales of the  paleomagnetic field, Editors of J.E. Channell, D.V. Kent, W. Lowrie and  J.G. Meert, Geophysical Monograph, 145: 191-204.

40. Josep M. Parés, Rob Van der Voo,  Wiliam R. Downs, Maodu Yan, et al. 2003. Correction to ‘‘Northeastward  growth and uplift of the Tibetan Plateau: Magnetostratigraphic insights  from the Guide Basin,’’ Journal Geophysical Research, 108(B8), 2400,  doi:10.1029/2003JB002624.

41. Josep M. Parés, Rob Van der Voo,  Wiliam R. Downs, Maodu Yan, et al., Northeastward growth and uplift of  the Tibetan Plateau: Magnetostratigraphic insights from the Guide Basin.  Journal Geophysical Research, 108(B1), 2017: 1-11.

42. Chunhui Song, Xiaomin Fang, Junping  Gao, Junsheng Nie, Maodu Yan, et al., 2003. Magnetostratigraphy of Late  Cenozoic fossil mammals in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan  Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(2): 188-193.

43. Xiaomin Fang, Zhengtao Shi, Shengli  Yang, Maodu Yan, et al., 2002. Loess in the Tian Shan and its  implications for the development of the Gurbantunggut Desert and drying  of northern Xinjiang. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(16): 1381-1387.

44. Zhijun Zhao, Xiaomin Fang, Jijun Li,  Baotian Pan, Maodu Yan, et al., 2000. Paleomagnetic dating of the  Jiuquan Gravel in the Hexi Corridor: Implication on mid-Pleistocene  uplift of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46(23):  2001-2005.

45. 付强,刘天佑,马龙,杨宇山,颜茂都,2019.基于小波变换和均衡重力异常的断裂识别—以柴达木盆地及周边地区为例.地震地质.41: 960-978.

46. 刘成林,吴驰华,王立成,方小敏,赵艳军,颜茂都,等, 2016. 中国陆块海相盆地成钾条件与预测研究进展综述.地球学报, 05: 581-606.

47. 李明慧,颜茂都,等,2016.云南兰坪-思茅盆地和老挝钾盐矿床物质来源新认识. 高校地质学报, (01): 60-65.

48. 孙淑蕊,李明慧,颜茂都,等, 2016.云南勐野井钾盐矿床中Br和I的影响因素及意义.矿物岩石地球化学通报, (02): 360-367.

49. 张大文,张涛,张伟林,宋春晖,颜茂都. 柴西红沟子地区晚新生代沉积特征及其对阿尔金山隆升的约束. 第四纪研究, 2016, 36(4): 832-846.

50. 吴松,宋春晖,颜茂都,等,2015. 北羌塘盆地雁石坪地区中-上侏罗统岩石磁学特征与沉积环境. 地球物理学进展, (02): 571-580.

51. 刘成林,赵艳军,方小敏,吕凤琳,王立成,颜茂都,等, 2015.板块构造对海相钾盐矿床分布与成矿模式的控制.地质学报, (11): 1893-1907.

52. 潘佳秋,宋春晖,鲍晶,马丽芳,颜茂都,等,2015.羌塘盆地侏罗系元素地球化学特征与成盐层位分析.地质学报, (11): 2152-2160.

53. 迟云平,张洒,吴松,宋春晖,颜茂都,等.不同实验条件对早新生代沉积物有机碳同位素的影响.地球学报, (06): 967-976.

54. 刘栋梁,颜茂都,等,2011.初探玉门砾岩沉积速率时空变化对气候-构造相互作用的意义.大地构造与成矿学, 2011, (01): 56-63.

55. 方小敏,赵志军,李吉均,颜茂都,等,2004.祁连山北缘老君庙背斜晚新生代磁性地层与高原北部隆升.中国科学.D辑:地球科学, (02): 97-106.

56. 宋春晖,方小敏,李吉均,高军平,孙东,范马洁,颜茂都,2003.青藏高原东北部贵德盆地上新世沉积环境分析及其意义.第四纪研究, (01): 92-102.

57. 宋春晖,方小敏,李吉均,高军平,孙东,聂军胜,颜茂都,2003.青海贵德盆地晚新生代沉积演化与青藏高原北部隆升.地质论评, (04): 337-346.

58. 方小敏,宋春晖,高军平,聂军胜,颜茂都,等,2002.青藏高原东北边缘晚新生代哺乳动物化石的磁性地层学.科学通报, (23): 1824-1828.

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