


2005. 9 - 2008. 7 中国科学院青藏高原研究所,自然地理学博士学位  

2001. 9 - 2004. 7 中国矿业大学(北京),地球化学硕士学位  

1997. 9 - 2001. 7 安徽理工大学(原淮南工业学院),环境工程学士学位  



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1. Xiang, Y; Zhang, TS; Liu, JG; Wan, X; Loewen, M; Chen, XT; Kang, SC; Fu, YB; Lv, LH; Liu, WQ; Cong, ZY*. 2021. Vertical profile of aerosols in the Himalayas revealed by lidar: New insights into their seasonal/diurnal patterns, sources, and transport. Environmental Pollution 285:117686.

2. Pei, QM; Saikawa, E; Kaspari, S; Widory, D; Zhao, CF; Wu, GM; Loewen, M; Wan, X; Kang, SC; Wang, XP; Zhang, YL; Cong, ZY*. 2021. Sulfur aerosols in the Arctic, Antarctic, and Tibetan Plateau: Current knowledge and future perspectives. EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS 220:103753.

3. Gao, S.P., Xu, B.Q., Zheng, X.Y., Wan, X., Zhang, X.L., Wu, G.M., Cong, Z.Y. *, 2021. Developing an analytical method for free amino acids in atmospheric precipitation using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, Atmospheric Research 256: 105579.

4. Wu, G.M., Fu, P.Q., Ram, K., Song, J.Z., Chen, Q.C., Kawamura, K., Wan, X., Kang, S.C., Wang, X.P., Laskin, A., Cong, Z.Y. *, 2021. Fluorescence characteristics of water-soluble organic carbon in atmospheric aerosol, Environmental Pollution 268: 115906.

5. Wu, G.M., Wan, X., Ram, K., Li, P.L., Liu, B., Yin, Y.G., Fu, P.Q., Loewen, M., Gao, S.P., Kang, S.C., Kawamura, K., Cong Z.Y.*, 2020. Light absorption, fluorescence properties and sources of brown carbon aerosols in the Southeast Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Pollution 257: 113616.

6. Pokharel, M., Guang, J.,  Liu, B.,  Kang, S.C.,  Ma, Y.M.,  Holben, B. N., Xia, X.A., Xin, J.Y., Ram, K., Rupakheti, D., Wan, X., Wu, G.M., Bhattarai, H., Zhao, C.F., Cong Z.Y.*, 2019.  Aerosol properties over Tibetan Plateau from a decade of AERONET measurements: baseline, types, and influencing factors. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124, 13357– 13374.

7. Bhattarai, H., Zhang, Y.L., Pavuluri, C.M., Wan, X., Wu, G.M., Li, P.L, Cao, F., Zhang, W.Q, Wang, Y.J., Kang, S.C., Ram, K., Kawamura, K., Ji, Z.M., Widory, D., Cong Z.Y.*, 2019. Nitrogen Speciation and Isotopic Composition of Aerosols Collected at Himalayan Forest (3326 m a.s.l.): Seasonality, Sources, and Implications. Environmental Science & Technology 53(21): 12247-12256.  

8. Wu G.M, Ram K, Fu P.Q., Wang W, Zhang YL, Liu X.Y., Stone EA, Pradhan BB, Dangol PM, Panday AK, Wan X, Bai Z.P, Kang S.C., Zhang Q.G., Cong Z.Y.*, 2019. Water-Soluble Brown Carbon in Atmospheric Aerosols from Godavari (Nepal), a Regional Representative of South Asia. Environmental Science & Technology 53(7): 3471-3479.  

9. Wan, X., Kang, S.C., Rupakheti, M., Zhang, Q.G, Tripathee, L., Guo, J.M., Chen, P.F., Rupakheti, D., Panday, A.K., Lawrence, M. G., Kawamura, K., and Cong, Z.Y.*,2019. Molecular characterization of organic aerosols in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: insights into primary and secondary sources. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 2725–2747. 

10.Wan, X., Kawamura, K., Ram, K., Kang, S.C., Loewen, M., Gao, S.P., Wu, G.M., Fu, P.Q., Zhang, Y.L., Bhattarai, H., and Cong, Z.Y.*, 2019. Aromatic acids as biomass-burning tracers in atmospheric aerosols and ice cores: A review. Environmental Pollution 247, 216-228. 

11.Bhattarai, H., Saikawa, E., Wan, X., Zhu, H.X., Ram, K., Gao, S.P., Kang, S.C., Zhang, Q.G., Zhang, Y.L., Wu, G.M., Wang, X.P., Kawamura, K., Fu, P.Q., Cong, Z.Y.*, 2019. Levoglucosan as a tracer of biomass burning: Recent progress and perspectives. Atmospheric Research 220: 20–33. 

12.Cong, Z.Y., Gao, S.P., Zhao, W.C., Wang, X., Wu, G.M., Zhang, Y.L., Kang, S.C. *, Liu, Y.Q., and Ji, J.F., 2018. Iron oxides in the cryoconite of glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau: abundance, speciation and implications. The Cryosphere 12: 3177-3186. 

13.Wu, G.M., Wan, X., Gao, S.P., Fu, P.Q., Yin, Y.G. Li, G., Zhang, G.S., Kang, S.C., Ram, K., Cong, Z.Y.*, 2018. Humic-Like Substances (HULIS) in Aerosols of Central Tibetan Plateau (Nam Co, 4730 m asl): Abundance, Light Absorption Properties, and Sources. Environmental Science & Technology 52: 7203 7211. 

14.Gao, S.P., Xu, B.Q., Dong, X.L., Zheng, X.Y., Wan, X., Kang, S.C., Song, Q.Y., Kawamura, K., Cong, Z.Y. *, 2018. Biomass-burning derived aromatic acids in NIST standard reference material 1649b and the environmental implications. Atmospheric Environment 185: 180-185. 

15.Wan, X., Kang, S.C. *, Li, Q.L., Rupakheti, D., Zhang, Q.G., Guo, J.M., Chen, P.F., Tripathee, L., Rupakheti, M., Panday, A., Wang, W., Kawamura, K., Gao, S.P., Wu, G.M., Cong, Z.Y.*, 2017. Organic molecular tracers in the atmospheric aerosols from Lumbini, Nepal, in the northern Indo-Gangetic Plain: Influence of biomass burning. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17: 8867–8885. 

16.Liu, B., Cong, Z.Y.*, Wang, Y.S., Xin, J.Y., Wan, X., Pan, Y.P., Liu, Z.R., Wang, Y.H., Zhang, G.S., Wang, Z.Y., Wang., Y.J., Kang, S.C. *, 2017. Background aerosol over the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau: observed characteristics of aerosol mass loading. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (1): 449-463. 

17.Wan, X., Kang, S.C., Xin, J.Y., Liu, B., Wen, T.X., Wang, P.L., Wang, Y.S. *, Cong, Z.Y.*, 2016. Chemical composition of size-segregated aerosols in Lhasa city, Tibetan Plateau. Atmospheric Research 174-175: 142-150. 

18.Gao, S.P., Liu, D.M., Kang, S.C., Kawamura, K., Wu, G.M., Zhang, G.S., Cong, Z.Y.*, 2015. A new isolation method for biomass-burning tracers in snow: measurements of p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic and dehydroabietic acids. Atmospheric Environment 122, 2015, 142-147. 

19.Cong, Z.Y., Kawamura, K. *, Kang, S.C. *, Fu, P.Q., 2015. Penetration of biomass-burning emissions from South Asia through the Himalayas: new insights from atmospheric organic acids. Scientific Reports 5. 9580.

20.Cong, Z.Y., Kang, S.C. *, Kawamura, K. *, Liu, B., Wan, X., Wang, Z.Y., Gao, S.P., Fu, P.Q., 2015. Carbonaceous aerosols on the south edge of the Tibetan Plateau: concentrations, seasonality and sources. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15, 1573–1584. 

21.Cong, Z.Y., Kang, S.C. *, Zhang, Y.L., Gao, S.P., Wang, Z.Y., Liu, B., Wan, X., 2015. New insights into trace element wet deposition in the Himalayas: amounts, seasonal patterns, and implications. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 2735–2744. 

22.Wan, X., Kang, S.C., Wang, Y.S., Xin, J.Y., Liu, B., Guo, Y.H., Wen, T.X., Zhang, G.S., Cong, Z.Y.*, 2015. Size distribution of carbonaceous aerosols at a high-altitude site on the central Tibetan Plateau (Nam Co Station, 4730 m a.s.l.). Atmospheric Research 153, 155-164. 

23.Liu, B., Kang, S.C., Sun, J.M., Wan, X., Wang, Y.J., Gao, S.P., Cong, Z.Y.*, 2014. Low-molecular-weight organic acids in the Tibetan Plateau: Results from one-year of precipitation samples at the SET station. Atmospheric Environment 86, 68-73. 

24.Cong, Z.Y., Kang, S.C. *, Gao, S.P., Zhang, Y.L., Li, Q., Kawamura, K., 2013. Historical trends of atmospheric black carbon on Tibetan Plateau as reconstructed from a 150-year lake sediment record. Environmental Science & Technology 47, 2579- 2586. 

25.Liu B., Kang, S.C., Sun, J.M., Zhang, Y.L., Xu, R., Wang, Y.J., Liu, Y.W., Cong, Z.Y.*, 2013. Wet precipitation chemistry at a high-altitude site (3,326 m a.s.l.) in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20, 5013–5027. 

26.Cong, Z.Y., Kang, S.C. *, Luo, C.L., Li, Q., Huang, J., Gao, S.P., and Li X.D., 2011. Trace elements and lead isotopic composition of PM10 in Lhasa, Tibet, Atmospheric Environment 45, 6210-6215. 

27.Cong, Z.Y., Kang, S.C. *, Zhang Y.L. and Li X.D., 2010. Atmospheric wet deposition of trace elements to central Tibetan Plateau, Applied Geochemistry 25, 1415-1421. 

28.Cong, Z.Y., Kang, S.C.*, Dong, S.P., Liu, X.D., Qin, D.H., 2010. Elemental and individual particle analysis of atmospheric aerosols from high Himalayas. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 160, 323-335. 

29.Cong, Z.Y., Kang, S.C.*, Smirnov, A., Holben, B., 2009. Aerosol optical properties at Nam Co, a remote site in central Tibetan Plateau. Atmospheric Research 92, 42-48. 

30.Cong, Z.Y., Kang, S. C.*, Dong S. P., Qin D. H., 2009. Seasonal features of aerosol particles recorded in snow from Mt. Qomolangma and their environmental implications. Journal of Environmental Sciences 21, 914-919. 

31.Cong, Z.Y., Kang, S. C.*, Dong S. P., Zhang. Y. L., 2009. Individual particle analysis of atmospheric aerosols at Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 9, 323-331. 

32.Cong, Z. Y., Kang, S. C.*, Liu, X. D. and Wang, G. F. 2007. Elemental composition of aerosol in the Nam Co region, Tibetan Plateau, during summer monsoon season. Atmospheric Environment 41, 1180-1187.